
The Energetic Dynamics of Giving and Receiving

Hi! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update my blog! Things got very busy all of a sudden! As I sat down to think about what I would like to focus my writing on, I couldn't help but acknowledge that we are moving into the season of giving, receiving, and enchantment... Starting first with Thanksgiving. I truly feel so grateful for all the gifts in my life!! And I'm equally grateful to be sharing this message with you. A few thoughts come to mind as I delve into this topic.

This time, I'd like to examine the dynamic of giving and receiving. What thoughts come up when I mention these concepts? Do you find it easier and more gratifying to give at this time of year? Do you more easily receive, without guilt? Or do you find yourself comfortable in an equal balance of both giving and receiving? This is an important question, especially as we move into a time in which we can lose our sense of balance as a result of the stresses, obligations, and busyness that can overwhelm the course of our days and weeks leading up to the holidays. On a personal note, I have had to consciously work on my discomfort in receiving. It's taken a lot of internal reflection to recognize that I have held onto my own sense of control and "power" by holding off true, graceful, receptivity in my life. This not only reflected in my inability to comfortably receive gifts, but was more especially true in terms of having difficulty in allowing myself to accept supportive and honest expressions of love and trust. By default, my resistance towards receiving would then flow into other aspects of my life. By recognizing that there is truly no difference between giving and receiving, I have been able to move out of this pattern more effectively.

As we move into this holy season, it's my intention to focus on all the joyful and beautiful reflections of giving and receiving that are occurring on our planet. It's very easy to get caught up in the negativity we are continually exposed to through the media, yet we have the opportunity to create ripple effects of peace and goodness by allowing our true selves to feel and act upon the magic of this time... Let's all laugh more, play more, and live full out as we become the peace and joy we seek to experience in the world.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!